It’s busy summertime-softball and baseball games, travel, and cookouts. The business can sometimes be used as an excuse to let healthy eating habits fall by the wayside. This post is intended to encourage you to take a few steps of preparation to make healthier choices easier during this hectic time.

Sporting practice or game right after work:

The simple solution is concession stand snacks and fast food for the family on the way home

Try this instead:

  • In the morning, pack a cooler of snacks for the whole family to eat on the way to the event/during the event
    • cut apple slices, peanut butter, knife
    • pre-popped popcorn in individual sandwich bags
    • cut carrot sticks and Tupperware of hummus or ranch dip
    • lunch meat slices and string cheese
  • Every Sunday, spend 1 hour pre-cooking a couple meals that can be frozen and ready for late night eating after the sporting events
    • Prepare each dish and freeze. Pull out the night before to thaw. A home cooked, healthy meal is ready when you get home instead of stopping at a fast food place.

    • Turkey Taco Salad
      1 package of lean ground turkey1 can black beans

      1 can or frozen bag corn

      1 green pepper, chopped

      Romaine lettuce

      Whole wheat tortillas

      1 jar salsa

      Cook turkey and drain, add 1/2 TBSP garlic power and 2 tsp pepper. Stir in beans, corn, green pepper, and desired amount of salsa. Cover and heat. Use lettuce to make a salad topped with turkey mix or fill tortillas with mix.

    • Chicken Bruschetta
      3lb boneless, skinless chicken breast2 cups Quinoa- optional

      1 jar thick pasta sauce

      1-2 bags frozen green beans

      Cut up chicken and steam in covered pan with ¼ cup water. Rinse and cook quinoa. Season chicken with garlic, pepper, salt, basil and set aside. Steam green beans lightly and then combine all ingredients including sauce and mix in large baking dish, cook at 350 degrees for 15- 20 min. Top with a light coating of mozzarella and parmesan with 5 min remaining on cook time.